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Hudson Girls Softball League, Hudson NH

Hudson Girls Softball League, Hudson NH

What equipment does my daughter need?


  • 4U- no equipment needed except water bottle
  • 6U- softball glove, batting helmet with cage, water bottle
  • 8U- softball glove, batting helmet with cage, water bottle, (Recommended: fielding facemask and molded (not metal) cleats
  • 10U- softball glove, batting helmet with cage, water bottle, (Strongly recommended: fielding facemask and molded (not metal) cleats)
  • 12U- softball glove, batting helmet with cage, water bottle, (Strongly recommended: fielding facemask and molded (not metal) cleats, softball pants and socks)
  • 14U- softball glove, batting helmet with cage, water bottle, (Strongly recommended: fielding facemask and molded (not metal) cleats, softball pants and socks)

    **NOTE: ALL batting helmets must be equipped with a cage. Any player in any division playing first, third or pitcher is REQUIRED to wear either a helmet (younger divisions) or a fielding facemask. This is a safety requirement per USA Softball.

    ***It is recommended that batting helmets be replaced every two (2) years of use or after five (5) years of non-use.

HGSL will provide the following: 
  • Uniform shirt
  • Catcher's equipment, first aid kit, one extra bat per team.
  • HGSL no longer provides batting helmets.

How many practices and games will teams have?

4-U Division will have one (1) activity per week- usually on Saturdays.

6-U Division will have one (1) activity per week (usually on Saturdays), with a maximum of two (2) activities if the previous week's activity was cancelled due to weather.

8-U Division will have two (2) activities per week, with a maximum of three (3) activities if the prior week's activity was cancelled due to weather.

10-U, 12-U & 14-U Division will have three (3) activities per week, with a maximum of four (4) activities if the prior week's activity was cancelled due to weather.

What Division will my daughter play in?

Effective August 31st, 2023, USA Softball has changed age guidelines from a cutoff date of December 31st to August 31st. 

The age your daughter is on August 31st is the age that is used to determine her division.

  • If Megan turns 13 on or after September 1st, she still be in the 12U division because she was 12 on the August 31st cutoff date.

Players are automatically placed in their age eligible division. Advancement of a player must be approved by the board and may require a tryout, but is not guaranteed.


When does the season begin and end?

Tryouts are held at the end of March.

Depending on field conditions, we aim to begin practices the first week of April.  Games after about two weeks of practices. The season ends the last weekend in June. Our season culminates with a league family celebration traditionally the last Saturday in June. Awards are given out at this celebration.

(Fall ball is also available beginning in late August/early September. This is a different season requiring separate registration and fees. Registration email notifications will go out toward the end of July.)

What if it's raining?

In the event of a rain cancellation, an email and text via GameChanger app will be sent out as soon as the decision to cancel is made.  If you don't hear anything, assume the game is still on!  Coaches will have information on make-up dates as soon as it is available. 

What size softballs are used?

6-U & 8-U use 11-inch flexi balls
10-U use 11-inch hard softballs
12U & 14-U use 12-inch hard softballs

All softballs must have the "USA Softball" stamp of approval.

Player/Parent Agreement


  • Please arrive AT LEAST five (5) minutes to start of practices and thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of games.

  • Treat teammates, coaches and opposing teams and coaches and umpires with respect.

  • Respect and accept all official’s calls and decisions without argument.

  • Win with dignity, lose without excuses.

  • Adhere to all league and team rules.

  • Conduct yourself in a manner that represents good character and sportsmanship.


  • Once warm ups begin, the players become the coaches’ responsibility. Please respect this and find a great place to view the game and admire the hard work your player is putting forth. We may ask a parent or two to help run drills.

  •  If your player is a pitcher, catcher or at bat, please DO NOT sit behind home plate. This is more distracting than helpful to your player(s).

  •  Please let the coaches coach, players play and umpires call the game. Be supportive, but do not give directions to your player(s). They are doing their best to follow their coaches’ instructions and too much info can hinder their play. Please remember that we are all human and these are not professional athletes. We will all make mistakes. If a spectator does not agree with a called play, a coaches’/players’ decision, there is an appropriate time and place to discuss this. Shouting from the stands is not that time.

  •  We respectfully request that parents should not be within 15 feet of the dugout during games. NO PARENTS ARE PERMITTED INSIDE THE DUGOUT DURING GAMES/PRACTICES. If a situation arises and a parent is needed, a coach will call you into the dugout.

  •  Players should have water or sports drinks in the dugout. They should be prepared with extra drinks if needed. A healthy snack is permitted if necessary, but must be consumed without interference of play time.

  •  No smoking, vaping, drugs or alcohol on or around the fields and NO profanity.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR...    (it is very helpful to coaches if a parent or parents volunteer to help with these tasks)

Scorekeeping- this may be done using a traditional scorebook (provided) or utilizing the Game Changer App available for free at any app store.

Raking/dragging the field- our home fields must be raked following each practice and game.

Practice assistance- on occasion, the coach may request parents to assist on the field during different drills.

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